Thursday, July 29, 2004

I have way too much time on my hands.

alright.  I am a sad sad little loser.  Laura has lists on her blog, and I am insanely jealous so I made like three drafts of my own, and am now going to post it.  There isn't terribly a lot for me to talk about other than my lists, other than that Sherayna got a new mouse and mousepad, and the mousepad is one of those picture frame mousepads, and I convinced her to let me place on of my more amusing pics in it, the one of Geoff attempting to be all Zen, and Laura, and Brianna totally messing him up.  I love it a lot!  I'm seriously going to pay Sherayna when I move out to let me take it with me. (I seriously can't believe that I can write an entire paragraph about a mousepad! that's pathetic.)
anyways, I gtg after this cause I gotta go buy new sandals *jeez, I just caught Stephen painting the kitchen table with peanut butter; goddamn kid* cause the ones I have now are so worn out I actually have holes in the soles...yikes.

        i wore: tan shorts with a white tee.
        i ate: coffee.  big surprise.
        i did: some ball toss with the mom.  the dogs ran back and forth and stole the ball whenever we dropped it.
        i like: dogs and cats
        i dislike: Moni and her stupid withholding of our basement.
        brag moment: I taught Rob how to add using honeycomb cereal.  tomorrow we're starting subtracting.
        cringe moment: we were about to take the dogs for a walk, and I left Sensei's halti outside, and Tika ate it.  That equaled no walk for the dogs, and I felt really really bad.
        i plan to: head over to Gator's eventually to practice, (finally!) and buy sandals

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