Friday, July 23, 2004

Crystals of Brain

sorry, that was random...I saw it on a box of epsom salts--I won't even bother explaining.
anyways, I just spent a very relaxing day with Geoff.  very domestic.  I like domestic!  :)  I went to Woodgrove with him in the morning (well actually it was early afternoon).  and I suppose that part wasn't really that relaxing cause we were in the middle of a mall with a whole bunch of onnoxious stimuli aimed at getting me to be a consumer really everything I'm telling you is a lie!  anyways, we were looking for this video game that Geoff wanted, but we couldn't find it.  So I dragged him into clothing, and shoe stores, and he dragged me into knife shops.  Me and Geoff in a mall is like a brother and sister in the backseat on a long car trip; exasperating, to say the least.  Then we investigated an 88cent store, and I bought two picture frames, and two pops.  (the totaly bill came to $2.95!  joy upon joys!)  then we went and got some fries, and then took a bus down to Music Maxx.  They had crazy fish there!  and a ring that I wanted a lot.
after that we headed back to his house where we had some extremely gratifying sex.  (I won't tell you the details, because for all I know, you could be dirty old Cambie's-man.)  then we were lazy all day.  he tried to teach me how to play Dynasty Warriors, but Jay, and Jon came back to his house and started playing drums, and I had no desire to look like a fool in front of Jay Smitka, so I went upstairs to blog, and talk to people. After that, we watched some TV.  CSI, and a couple of movies.  it was a very relaxing, very lazy day. 
there were two tense spots, actually.  one was on the bus to his house.  we were talking about his plans to get shitfaced in Tofino this weekend.  Now I don't have a problem with this at all.  And I think that that's very big of me, considering the hassle he gave me about getting drunk at the M + CdA cast party.  The problem is, he still expects me to completely abstain!  We were discussing it on the bus, and he said, "I still don't think that when I come back, my position on this is going to change any,"  and I was instantly enraged.  I was like, "You hypocritical bastard!  You have no right, if you're going to indulge!"  And he was like, I'm doing it for research purposes ONLY."  as if that's supposed to make it better.  all I did was laugh in his face at that.  and he tried to whack me on the top of the head, and I smacked his hand away from me.
The second time was when we were waiting for the bus to come get me at the end of the night.  Apparently, according to him, I am unable to be wrong.  I never admit when I'm wrong, and I'm always trying to prove myself right, and yada yada yada.  Nevermind that if I can prove myself correct, well that kind of predisposes that, you know, I AM correct!  well anyways, he was feeling all bad, and I'm like Geoff, just stop, ok?  you're pissing me off, and he takes my arm, and twists it behind my back using some akido shit!  I was like fuck the hell off!  I told him right there, when you're pissed, don't you dare twist my arm like that again.  You know I hate it.  then I had to suffer through him giving me a pointed stony silence until a creepy bug walked up to me, and I made him explain to me what it was.  That got things back on normal terms again.
I dunno, I'm willing to put up with his foibles up to a point.  But when it gets to the point when twice in one day, he gets physical...I won't take that.  He's a big boy, and he's been raised better than that.  I don't give a rusty fuck how put down he's feeling.  And that will be that.
All in all, the day was actually quite nice.  I'm not going to focus on the rough patches, because I believe I got my point across, and that's all I really needed to do.  what matters is, I had a really good time, and I am pretty positive he did too.  We were telling each other we loved each other all day long.  I love it when we're like that.  I mean he did that when we weren't together, but the fact that he's doing it again makes me think maybe we're doing something right this time.
Anyway, I am very very tired, so I am going to go to bed now.  I think I'll finish up reading that new Faye Kellerman I just bought.  And then start the other Faye Kellerman that I also bought!  :)  (just FYI, I also got a Lilian Jackson Braun!  me and my murder mysteries!)
g'night, all!

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