Friday, July 30, 2004

life sucks intensely

I hate my life. a really lot.
yesterday I found out that Geoff really wanted to break up with me but was too chicken shit to actually do so. He approached Gator and Beebur (Brianna) about them planting the idea of me breaking up with him in my head so that I would do it for him. Well, stupid move, seeing as how it's the Collective, and the Collective sticks together against ANY mere male. Laura and Brianna wanted me to pull a "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" moment on him, and gift him with a love fern (which would have been extremely entertaining) but in the end I called him in a rage, and broke up with him. After I hung up on him, I went up stairs and trashed my room in a fit of pique, then boyfriend-boxed everything he ever gave me which is extremely unfair because there are somethings (like the Capricorn necklace he gave me for Christmas) that he gave me that I loved a lot. It is totally not fair that I have to lose everything I owned in a house fire that consumed all of my belongings, and then have to give up everything I treasure because it originated from him. I seriously don't know what his fucking problem is. I'm a good fuck when we're not going out but the moment we start dating again, I'm "difficult". He can shove difficulty right up his motherfucking poopchute. I am totally done with him.
Last night I spent the night at Laura's after watching a hysterical movie called Being John Malkovich (*malkovich, malkovich...MALKOVICH!*) with Gareth. Then we lied on the kitchen floor with pillows and Laura's dog Becky. This morning after I got home I discovered an overgrown earring with is extremely not fun because now I have to cut one of my favorite earrings apart to get it out of my ear! The world SUCKS ASS!
I'm supposed to be doing something with Laura and Kevin today, but I might not in favor of staying home and watching romantic comedies (standard procedure for after a bad breakup). Then I'll go pick up some detrimental detrimental rebound guys, have wild sex with them in their cars, and proceed to burn everything that Geoff ever gave me. Then I'll buy a cat. Then two. Then thirty.

i wore: jeans, a flowered tank, froggie panties, and the new blue thong sandals that I bought yesterday (they're identical to my old pink ones except for the color! and...I also bought them in white! me=loser)
i ate: ice cream for breakfast (it's the only thing to eat in Gator's house, I swear!), Nacho Italiano Doritos, and Sprite Remix for lunch. I'm doing really well at this dealing with Geoff thing, don't you think?
i did: some reading while waiting for the bus. also some cuddling of Laura's cute dog while she was showering.
i like: my blue hoodie that makes me look cool even though I'm not, and Eileen McGann
i dislike: Geoff!!! intensely!
brag moment: seeing Dragon and Shadow at the house that we sold them to. they barked at me. I giggled.
cringe moment: the second I discovered my earring crisis.
i plan to: mope.

1 comment:

K said...

nyar har! Would you like to hang out on Saturday? I know I probably would. I have nothing to do except go to Hammermania early on in the day. Laura is gone, Brad is gone, my life = nonexistant. Call me, or post a comment on my blog or something. Quickly, or I might get addicted to Mah Jongg!