Saturday, July 17, 2004

Morning After

Get your mind out of the gutter!  Ok, so I just randomly spent the night at Gator's house with a whole whack of Arts Alive people.  I got to meet Laura, finally.  She's so sweet!  And, God she is so pretty!  I would kill to have eyes like that!  no wonder Shane is obsessed with her.  I would be, too if I had a penis!
Ok enough for the creepy comments for today.  I also met this girl named Lauren, pronounced Like Ralph Lauren.  She was pretty cool.
We all sat around on the front picture talking about random things.  I told them about when my father died, and Rosie started crying, and I felt really bad.  Apparently, according to her and Sasja, I'm like a cat in that I can sense when people really need someone, and "if I'm in a good mood"  (those were her exact words! lol) I'll help them.
I also got to see Emilia, and Spencer again.  I saw them a couple weeks ago, but only for a little while at that concert downtown.  Pretty much everybody else I'd seen pretty recently.  I missed Brianna though, and I was sad.
So now everyone has left for a store in search of food, cause Laura has nothing.  I'm down here checking my e-mail, and updating my blog.  Kourtenay sent me this big email that was like a survey about her... It had all these questions on it like, "Am I fat?"  and I just got really uncomfortable.  I really don't wanna fill it out right now, cause I'm really tired, but I'll probably do it later, even though I don't want to.  Some of the questions will be really hard to answer, but I think she deserves the truth.  I dunno, maybe I'll talk it over with Laura first.  That would be the really smart thing to do.  Anyway, I'm dirty and repulsive, so I'm going in seek of a shower now, k?  see ya later.

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