Saturday, July 24, 2004

*sigh* I hope the baby doesn't wake up.

babysitting right now.  kids needed lunch so I gave them all apples.  too freaking hot to cook anything.  dogs just spent an hour in the bathroom cause someone from the lodge needed to get into the basement. (for all those who don't know, the house I rent is owned by the owner of an old folk's lodge, and they've retained the use of the basement for their offices.  therefor, we have people from the lodge going in and out of our house all the time, driving our dogs crazy.  sometimes I just bring them in the house for a little, which is actually against the terms of our lease, rather than listening to them bitch). 
OMG!  my family is wonderful!  they brought me home an iced cappaccino!
so, Brad now has a blog!  lovely!  now I can delve into the innermost thoughts of another person, who's motivations, and interests have previously eluded me! 
um...anyways.  I'm going to invite Brad to do things with the Collective (oh!  did I tell you?  Gareth is now a part of the Collective!  we have assimilated him!) this coming year.  Cause Kevin, his best friend, is leaving for Taiwan soon, so he'll be semi-at ends with his time.  I should definitely invite him to hang w/ the Collective more often.  Who knows?  maybe we could even assimilate him by the end of Grade Twelve?  I would like that.  I've always admired Brad for his talents and affability.
k, one of Sherayna's friends is scoping me out to sing some of his songs.  I dunno.  Depends on if his stuff is any good or not.  apparenty he's just looking to sell some of his songs, and get songwriting credits.  No good.  He doesn't have a band, and I doubt what he writes is arrangable.  I don't even know if he's even ever written a vocal arrangement, and if you're not familiar with them, you tend not to write very good ones.  Hell, I'm familiar with them, and I can't arrange very well at all!
huh.  I thought I had something to say in this entry, but I guess not.  w/e.
oh, yeah.  I went over to Geoff's last night, and he totally ditched me for Erin and Alex!  they went downtown to play some pool, and left me sitting on an uncomfortable bus stop bench for an hour waiting for the last bus of the day!  and the infuriatingly ironic part about it was they were headed to a place that's about five minutes away from my house!!!! but Alex couldn't drive me cause of the new one passenger law.  shitty deal.
in other news, I'm so jazzed!  I have readers!  from Georgia no less!  woo-freakin-hoo!  ok, enough with the random enthusiasm.  but I was excited.  Maybe, given some of the personaly nature of this stuff I shouldn't really be excited that people I don't know are reading this (*blush*), but w/e.  I'm a shameless exhibitionist.  Deal with it.  :)

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