Monday, July 19, 2004

totally totally sorry!

Oh, man, Amanda, I don't not like you, I promise promise promise!!  I remember saying that I thought the bbq idea was kind of pointless, but what I meant was that I didn't understand why it was for Mrs. Sinclair!  I didn't mean it like I didn't like you or your ideas, or anything, I promise!  I'm so sorry I made you feel that way!  I really really didn't mean it!  I didn't know you felt I was critical of you, and I promise you, I definitely like you, cause you're Amanda, and Amanda is cool!  :)  I totally don't think the bbq idea itself is pointless, I think it's a really good idea, and we can start planning it as soon as possible, that is, if you want to.  I hope so, cause I didn't think anything I'd said indicated a dislike for you in any way.  I certainly didn't intend to make you think I didn't like you...I hope you don't hate me too much now!
I'm so sorry for...whatever it is that I did.
Talk to me soon, ok, Amanda?

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