Tuesday, July 27, 2004

heyo, I'm baaack.

sorry for the hiatus.  nothing interesting happened for a while there.  no.  really. NOTHING.
but I did hang out with Gator and Kevin, and Geoff last night!  we had buckets of fun!  we went to the park at Uplands Elementary (BTW, readers, me and my friends regress regularly by playing on jungle gyms, and swinging our brains out on the swings.  makes a good place to go and be hoodlums at during Laura's p-tays).  we found three empty Smirnoff Ice bottles (yicky!  the Twisters are way better), and a Mikes hard lemonade.  we were going to steal them to play Spin-the-Bottle with (also another favored juvenile activity of ours!), but them we got distracted by the idea that we might go rent a movie and sadly left without them.  As we were walking down the street away from the park, we happened across an empty case of Smirnoff Ice (likely where the bottles came from).  The general consensus was that it might be rather entertaining to put the box on our heads and walk around.  So I did.  And the handle cutout even served as a handy dandy eye slit!  It was extremely entertaining.  :)  Then we walked by a discarded SOLD sign, of the variety that realtors put on house for sale signs.  Laura began hitting herself over the head with it.  That was also entertaining.  We decided that now we were truly hoodlums seeing as how people walking by probably thought we had stolen the sign, and thought that the Smirnoff case was half full, or something.  We felt baaad.  Very baaad.  (apparently I am a sheep.)
We decided to walk up to Ty's house to see if he wanted to come with us.  Along the way we say Nick, who, incidentally, was also going to the same place.  So we all walked together.  I convinced Nick to put the box on his head, and see how entertaining it was, but them he just took it off, and insulted the amusement value of the experience.  I was offended.  Just before we got to his house, Kevin had the bright idea to give the Smirnoff case to Ty as a peace offering.  Then Nick pointed out that we weren't at war with him, therefor making the offering moot.  (stupid Nick; spoiling our fun)  so Kevin decided to fix that little conendrum by punching Ty as soon as he opened the door.  He was confused.  Then I walked up to him solemnly and presented him with the sacred box.  He was confused.  There was a great deal of racket at that point, what with Ty being confused, and Kevin and Laura and Geoff talking to Ty at the top of their lungs, and Nick somehow slipping his way through the crowd to make himself at home, and me gooing to Ty's dog, Spoxer (who is adorable!  though not on the scale of Zed's kitten).  Eventually we left, and down the road, we realized that in all the cacaphony, we had never actually asked Ty to hang out with us...*blush cringe blush*   We felt embarrassed, but  consoled ourselves by walking with sticks, and adorning ourselves with leaves (infantile, maybe, crazy fun, for sure!).  I pretended to be Gandalf from LOTR, and screamed "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" to Geoff.  He was intimidated.  Or at least, I like to think so.
On our way to Roger's, me and Laura decided to hole the SOLD sign between us, which was subtly amusing because, we were basically two couples walking together in a group.  So Me and Laura advertised our takenness with the SOLD sign, while walking hand in hand with eahc of the boys.  It was amusing.  Eventually I pissed Geoff off mildly about something, and he dropped my hand.  I immediately felt sad, and dropped the sign, because after all, without the hand as proof, I was no longer SOLD, now, was I?  Then Laura suggested that I steal a FOR SALE sign observed in a nearby parked truck!  I tried to, but they all stopped me.  Then, not five minutes later, this lady pulls over, and screeches, "Where did you get that SOLD sign?" and we were like "We found it on the ground"  She totally didn't believe us, and was like, "Well, I'm a realtor, and we have to pay for those."  and Kevin being a tactful sort of gentleman said, "Well, would you like this one?" and she was like "yeah"  in this snotty tone advice.  She was convinced that we had stolen it off of some house!  I guess we played the parts of hoodlums a little too well!!
Now deprived of both our box, AND our sign (tragedy!) we made our little way to Roger's,  and examined each video with care.  We wanted Robin Williams: Live on Broadway, but it was out (again!).  All the DVD's were out, and their only VHS had been stolen.  Jeepers.  So we considered Robin Hood: Men in Tights, and we considered Monty Python (for about ten seconds.  I totally vetoed it, because Geoff's insane love of it has made me start to absolutely loathe it.  sincere apologies to all Monty Python fans out there except for Geoff).  In the end, we got Dogma.  Half of which I ended up sleeping through.  What I saw of it was pretty funny, though.  On the way walking home, we saw the Northern Lights!!!  I was SO excited!  I'd never seen them before, because I thought we lived too far south!  But I guess not!  It was so pretty!  It was this really big band of light green in the sky that kind of fluctuated.  It was so pretty.  I was actually moved.  I started kissing Geoff and couldn't stop.  And he humoured me, given that I'd never seen them before.  Although, truly, I was seriously jazzed!
We got home and ate ice cream, and sour candies.  Kevin and I had an argument over who played the T-X in Terminator 3.  He thought it was Julia Stiles!  lmao!  anyway, he bet me two dollars that it was Julia Stiles, and I bet against him that it wasn't.  When we got back to Laura's, we checked it on the computer.  Of course I was correct, so he payed up.
When the movie ended it was quarter after one in the morning.  Since buses had DEFINITELY stopped running I was forced to pay Kevin my bet money to drive us all the way home.  But since Geoff lives in the North end, and I live in South Central, he refused to drive us both places, so I ended up sleeping over at Geoff's.  (which was veeerry nice!)
This morning I got home around eleven.  Right now, I'm in the middle of cleaning hosue in preperation of having a whole whack of people over tonight.  Laura-Gator, and Kevin, and Geoff of course.  Zed, maybe Brianna, and Devin, and Barbara, and I'm deliberating about inviting that guy from Brad, and the twin's circle of friends, Sean over.  He gave me his number, so maybe.  Obviously he probably wouldn't think it too nuts if I invited him over, cause he said something about wanting more friends.  And I'm always up for group expansion, so sure!
Anyway, the dishwasher is done, so I've got to go put in a new load.  Maybe, even, (OMG) put in a load of laundry!  Or even, (*gasp*) shave my legs!
heh!  yeah right, like that'll happen!

1 comment:

Brianna said...

boo on you for doing things without me... oh well, we will have mucho gossip today!!