Friday, July 23, 2004

Today has been an interesting morning...

I woke up today early I suppose to the endless noise of my fool mutts barking at someone outside.  Alas, endless screeching from the comfort of the bed I wanted to be asleep in did not suffice to get them to shut their freaking mouths.  I asked Sensei if he wanted to wear the muzzle (he hates it! ha ha!) and after a small silence which I took to mean acknowledgement, he resumed his noise, so I started swearing rather loudly, and clomped my way downstairs where I found my mom had beaten me to it.  Therefor deprived of the malicious satisfaction of seeing my dog miserable and cowed with a man-made instrument of justice on his face, I grumbled my way back inside where I promptly collapsed on the couch and slept my way through to around an hour ago.  I vaguely remember my sister giving me coffee (which I ignored in favor of snoozing), and my mom calling me a lazy bum.  Finally I woke up, and devoured an endless supply of cookies and coffee.  Very healthy.


PS:  God, what a windbag I am!  Did any of that make any sense?

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