Sunday, September 05, 2004

and now, a survey!

saw this on Apporlorgee's bloggy blog, and because I am a trend whore decided to do it! And I know that I write a lot for these entries, but hey! It's my blog, and I'll cry if I want to!

1.First best friend: Amanda Taft
2. First real memory of something: um, me in a car seat, on a kitchen table when I was a really small baby, comtemplating my mom. I must have been like six months old.
3. First Job: urgfh. babysitting the multitudes of neices and nephews I have.
4. First screen name: Something retarded, along the lines of, "I finally got msn, cause I don't have it before cause I am poor!" yeah, I know I'm crapdammit. To the max, baby!
5. First self purchased album: The Hanson's Christmas Album! *blush*
6. First funeral: My father's. I don't remember it.
7. First pet: Well, Banjo (yellow lab cross Doberman) was around when I was born, but MY first pet wasa rabbit named Shavanoo.
8. First piercing/tattoo: Ears pierced
9. First credit card:I don't have one.
10. First true love: Well, that all depends on your definition of true love. The first time I was IN love was in elementary school, adn yes, I am still embarrassed and ashamed of that, because...well it was elementary school! But my first true, requited love was--Chris Read. *cringe cringe, horror!* I'm sorry! I fall in love easily!!!
11. First enemy: um...Elbijai Stone, who caled me poor, even though he was poor, too.
12. First big trip: Me, my mom, and my grandparents drove down to San Francisco for my biggest brother's grad. in Grade Seven. I burnt my nose. It was April. :D
13. First play/musical/performance/concert: play, Trapped in Coal (I played the mother, and yes I did sing, but that does NOT make it a musical), musical, The Wizard of Oz. I was a Munchkin. Big freaking surprise. Concert: that I did, or that I went to? first one I ever went to was The Moffatts in the summer before Grade Nine (yes, again, *blush*), first one I ever did, well that is problematical. I will take that literally, and say that the first full-length appearance that my group, The Collective ever made was this past spring at The Miner's Picnic. Yes...we did a children's show. And according to the people who volunteered there, we drew the biggest crowd of the afternoon! w00t!
14. Last big car ride: Last really big car ride was returning from Seattle-Tacoma Airport. Roughly seven, or eight hours in total.
15. Last good cry: I think I wanted to last night, but I must be suppressing freakishly lately, cause I couldn't.
16. Last library book: *looks away* A book of haiku. In March 2001. It burned.
17. Last movie seen: Ella Enchanted. (at the Princess Party!)
18. Last beverage drank: a glass of Pepsi. it is flat and yucky, BUT I CAN'T STOP DRINKING IT!!!
19. Last food consumed: French Toast this morning that wasn't QUITE done. Whatever, it's my own fault, I cooked it.
20. Last crush: Well, I am crushing on the--um--Lewis right now. Oh, I hope he does not stumble across this blog now!
21. Last phone call: Melly Belly. We are hanging out today!
22. Last TV show watched: I got home really late after the B-rad birthday party,a nd cooked myself some noodlage, and while I was waiting, I watched part of Tracker. Very possibly the WORST television show known to man.
23. Last time showered: yesterday.
24. Last shoes worn: Runners
25. Last CD played: Nirvana. However, I have been listening to my Celine Dion TAPE much more lately. Actually that's a lie. I listen to my computer.
26. Last item bought: Brad's crapdammit one dollar birthday card cause I'm poor and couldn't afford a gift! *blush*
27. Last ice cream eaten: goodness...actually that might be the ice cream I ate for breakfast the last time I slept over at Gator's which was like a month and a half ago! yikes!
28. Last shirt worn: um...I am wearing one now. It is white.


Name: Alleah Marie "Pinto" Poirier
Birthdate: December 29th, 1987 (yeah Nick!)
Current Location: Nanaimo, BC, Canada!
Hair Colour: Blonde with dark blonde roots. (hey, Brianna, now I am truly back to being a Pinto! yay)
Height: *pout* four'eleven" I'll go sit in a corner now, and cry.
Righty or Lefty: Righty.


Your heritage:Russian, English, French, Irish, Scottich, and Iroquois. No shit! My great great gramma was full-blooded.
Your perfect pizza: CHEESE!!!! Maybe with pineapple, pepperoni, and olives. But dripping with cheese, for sure.
Goal you'd like to achieve: Be able to have children without feeling the need to kill them, and chop up their bodies, and hide them in the walls of my house. or maybe I could use that "perfect-body-dumping-plan" that the girls and I once discussed. I mean--I am benign... (oh yeah, and be a singer, and have oodles of money, and even more oodles of money that I can solve all the world's problems with!)


Your most over used phrase on MSN/AIM: hahahahahahahahahaha, and w00t. for SURE w00t.
Your thoughts first waking up: Why am I alive? Seriously, why?
Your bedtime: unfortunately lately it has been anywhere from three to four in the morning, but that shall change, because I have to wake at six to catch my bus to school in the north end at seven thirty, and two hours of sleep is NOT SUFFICIENT!
Adidas or Nike: Adidas if I HAVE to choose, though I don't really wear either.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla. Unless I am being seductive! *smile*
Cappuccino or coffee: both! actually cappacino is preferable, but not necessary.


Smoke: I am going to say no to that, and Foo you can just shut the HELL up, because I was drunk.
Cuss: unfortunately, a lot.
Take a shower everyday: no, because otherwise, my hair turns into a whiteman afro.
Do you think you've been in love: I have been in love.
Want to go to college: yeppers!
Liked high school: indeed, except for some small pitfalls, like, you know, ATTENDING!
Want to get married: yeppers.
Believe in yourself: not all the time.
Get motion sickness: when I am hung over.
Get along with your parent(s): yes. my mom is pretty lenient, and trusting. it's my sister who makes me want to tear my hair.
Like thunderstorms: LOVE 'em!


(In the past 6 months)Drank alcohol: yeppers. had a shot with my mom for her birthday in fact!
Smoked: urgfh.
Done a drug: I smoked up with the foodle a couple times.
Had Sex: yeppers.
Made Out: yeppers
Gone on a date: Who "dates" anymore?
Gone to the mall: yeppers!
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: haha! no! but I should! (and it shoots to the top of my to-do list!)
Eaten sushi: Nope, I prefer not to ingest raw mastigated fish guts.
Been on stage: Of course! Thatre person extraordinaire, here!
Been dumped: yes. many times. by the same person. how lame.
Gone skating: yeppers.
Made homemade cookies: um, no. Oh wait! what were those cookies, oh! The Down With Love party! When was that? Those were awesome cookies. Does anybody remember some of the things we wrote on those? "I Hate You" "Die!" There were some really excellent ones, too...
Dyed your hair: Yup
Stolen anything: Nope


Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yeppers!
Been called a tease: No, actually. How surprising. Oh wait, that's cause...never mind!
Shop Lifted: Nope
Changed who you were to fit in: Nope.


Age you hope to be married: I would actually like to be married early, but too early. Like twenty-two, or twenty-three, or something.
Numbers and Names of Children: I used to want four, but I am thinking I might want to tone that down a bit! I like the names Keiran, Arianna, Bethie (Elizabeth), Tristan, Isaac, Dawn.
Describe your Dream Wedding: urgfh! don't even get me started! it would involve horses, and candles, and orchids, and lilies, and a live band, and beaches, and custom-made ceremonies, and my girls, and my neice Lily being a flower girl, and partying for days and days and days!
How do you want to die: I dunno how I want to die, but I'll tell you how I want my funeral? There's this tradition in the Deep South of having a brass band accompany the funeral procession, and play a really really sad jazz song to mourn the deceased. And then they have the funeral service, and on the procession out of the cememtary, the band plays something more upbeat, and happy, to celebrate the life that has ended, and the life that is still left to them. I read that somewhere, and was like, oh I like that idea, and then I saw it on a movie, and FELL IN LOVE with the music they were playing. So that's what I want in my funeral.
Where you want to go to college: The Canadian College of Performing Arts for one (MAYBE two if I get into the advanced program), then to MalU to get a business degree.
What country would you most like to visit: I would love to tour Eastern Europe, and see the castles, and the Mediterranean, and Auschwitz, and I'd also like to visit the Deep South around Mardi Gras (cause we all know that I have no problem showing my chest to anyone! lol!)


(In a significant other)Best eye color?: doesn't particularly matter.
Best hair color?: see above.
Short or long hair? I like long hair, but it is not a preference.
Best articles of clothing: wtf does THAT mean?


# of people I could trust with my life: Gator, if it was something intellectual, like talking down a psychopath who had taken me hostage. If it was something physical, like saving me from a burning building. Then it would be Brad, or my big brother, Quinn. there are others.
# of tattoos: none, unfortunately. :(
# of scars on my body: Like nine or ten. Not too many. not like Foo!
# of things in my past that I regret: I am proud to say, not that many actually. I regret making a fool of myself, when I do, which is quite often, but I can lump it into one category. I regret the origins of my mindset around one of the worst times of my life, Grade Seven, because I do not see it as a valid excuse for the things that I did. Other than that, though, I don't regret too much, and that is a result of trying to live my life the right way.

ok, what a crappy way to end a survey! now you get to think about all the crappy things that have happened to you, or that you have done! haha! I hate you, says the survey. well, I flip the bird to malevolent survey of death! here me! FLIP THE BIRD!


What is your nicest daydream? The one where I am olde, and I have a good life, and I am nice to my kids, and I have a lot of opportunity to give to people less fortunate, and the one where I am able to do a lot of good things for the world. That one makes me feel so good about myself!

hahahaha, burn, mean survey.


Brianna said...

Alleah, you forget the fact that we didnt actually make those cookies at the Down With Love party, we didnt have time, so we bought ones from Save On and then put icing and stuff on them.

And why the hell dontoyu trust me with your life???

K said...

sounds like someone likes Dixie.
and is that Lewis with a 'werp' or someone I don't know?

VivaLaPinto said...

it depends on who Lewis with the "werp" is, but if Lewis with the "werp" hangs out with Olives (sometimes) and gradded from ND, then it is probably him!

K said...

Indeed, he is the very one. Used to hang out with him last summer (I can't believe a school year & another summer have passed since them)... he used to work with Olives at Avalon, drives a volkswagen, & has a hilariously cool uncle who lives on hippie island.

VivaLaPinto said...

well, I knew about the awesome relations, however, I did NOT know he drives a Volkswagon! w00t!

VivaLaPinto said...

hahahaha, sorry, I did kind of cut you from the Lewis stray didn't I? sorry sorry sorry, dear! for all you who did not know, Spencer was also there during my Lewis adventures, doing the same thigns pretty much. We all cuddled in the water...while nekkid...hehehehehehe.

VivaLaPinto said...

actually if your retinae's were burnt out, it WOULDN'T be an image, WOULD IT???