Tuesday, September 28, 2004

big pile of pain

I must have taken all Sean's potential for soreness from biking yesterday into myself, because my shoulders, and back ache so bad!!!

So the Pirate Party was sweet. I've already told you most of what happened then. I wore a slutty dress, finally got to see Llowyn again, smashed Tim's face into the floor, and felt as low as a slug for it. Operation Yo-Ho is proceeding on course. We should be seeing some results soon... :)

After I blogged that night, I went upstairs and fell asleep almost right away. On the couch. Mean old Brianna and Laura woke me up numerous times by throwing things at me, wherein my vocabulary ceased to consist of any words beyond "fuck" and "you". I fell back asleep (this was around two) and apparently they talked and laughed and had a good ole time until around four and then they went to bed. I guess I woke up at like five or six or something, and discovered I was alone, so I took my nice pillow into the fuzz-buzz room, and squashed my way under blankets at Melly's feet. The next morning I awoke to being raped by Brianna and Mel's feet. How disturbing.

That morning, us girls hung out, talked some more, scarfed Cinnimon Toast Crunch, and generally were gross, post-sleepover lamers. That part is always enjoyable. I discovered I'd slept in my clothes and this frightened me. By last night, my jeans smelt so bad, I am not even kidding! I refuse to wear clothes again until those jeans are washed. um, I mean...I think I have other pants. I have been wearing those jeans so much lately, it's like they're my skin now. Very baggy skin. Rather dumpy around the butt. But wait, that's normal!

ew, I am going to stop now. I'm sorry, my brain is still scrambled from Pirate party, and yesterday!

So then yesterday, I caught the bus downtown, and of course because I was on a stupid slow bus, and stupid slow people kept stopping the stupid slow bus to talk to the driver because all of them are too stupid and slow to look for the information they seek IN THEIR SCHEDULES...I was a half an hour late for filming.

(hehe, I like that paragraph!)

well, I got to the bowl, and watched Sean do tricks, and joked around with Devin a lot, and got filmed (eww!). mmm, yummy post-sleepover Alleah. that's hot. There were these STUPID little kids there that were just pissing me off! Then one of them fell off his bike, and I nearly peed laughing. I am turning into a bitch. yikes! today at school, the next person who pisses me off--I am going to buy a chocolate bar. To escape bitch-ness.

after that, we went to Devin's house to watch the trailer (which turned out AWESOME btw) of "the Mantta" video. Devin should be able to put together something really sweet, cause he has some really good footage. He filmed yesterday, and the day before, and Sean brought withhim some footage taken the day before that at a much better park down in Victoria. There is some really great footage, there, I can't wait to see the video. I am going to buy the DVD, cause I want the special features. I swear, there ought to be a rage section. From all the times Sean freaked out, and kicked/fingered his bike, or made hot sound effects, or screeched "fuck" at the top of his lungs if he couldn't do a trick, or if those idiot little kids (ha! Napolean Dynamite! "idiot!") said something stupid to him, and he mouthed them off. Seriously, there needs to be a showcase of those, cause they're awesome! Or wipeouts. Any good biking/skateboarding/snowboarding video requires wipeouts. hmm, I should talk to Devin about that...

aww! The kids are making me pictures again! Kaelyn colored me a picture of the house burning down (:S), and Rob made me a Valentine! isn't that cute? Or as Kaelyn said, "balentine." The kids have their moments, I have to admit. Except for that irksome baby who is cutting teeth right now. He hasn't stopped making noise since before I woke up this morning. He is quite perturbed at those teeth who have the audacity to force themselves through his poor little gums. (but still, is that any reason to irritate the rest of us into an early grave??? I ask you!!!) whatever, he's a baby, I suppose I must submit to this auditory torture. *sigh*

anyways, at Devin's house, we hung out with Kevin from Musical Theatre, and watched more videos. Then Kevin had to go home, and Devin showed us how he took pics from video. I was extremely tired, and the kitchen chairs in Devin's den were "hurting Sean's bum" so we migrated back out to the living room where we "watched tv." And no there was no scandalosity, as I am sure all of you are thinking. You dirty apes. At any rate, "watching tv" was very comfy and enjoyable. I didn't want Sean's mom to come.

Alas she did, and we went on a quest for tooth brushes, and milk. Sean and I stayed in the car, and had a close encounter with aliens commonly known as "chip", and "bethany". scary. I was frightened badly. But it was all good, they appeared to be benign. (wow, now I am in a straaange mood!)

They left, and the car was filled with canoodlage. (heeheehee) but not too badly. don't forget, I am dating the Mormonorb. then his mom returned, and we traveled back downtown. he dropped me off, and I ate chicken, and fruit snacks while talking on the computer to Laura, him, Brad Mackey, and Brianna. then I watched a dog training competition with the mom, and stumbled off to beddy-bye. now I am avoiding entreprenuership, and getting ready to go to school. erm. i feel in the need for a shower. I am going to go do that now. bye bye.

PS: post some damn comments! it's all well and good for you all to neglect your own blogs, but extending that mistreatment to my own is just cruel! I expect some attention by this time tomorrow!

k, I'm done now. goodbye.


amyleigh said...

honestly alleah, sometimes your choice of words worries me, but "canoodlage"!!! that is my new favorite word!

barbara_mary said...

Hey, if MY blog gets no comments, then so does yours! So :p Anyhow, I really wish I could've stayed over for a big girly chat. I vote that I take all of you and we go someplace and sleep. Er.. girly talk?

VivaLaPinto said...

I so ENTIRELY agree, Barbara. And Amay, when are we going to sing "the garden???" must plan that, post haste

VivaLaPinto said...

"where's my CHEESE???" And Sean, I love you more than you can ever guess!!

Tim Banky said...

Pinto, Sean, you two make me sick. It the happy "I am so glad romance is still alive in the world" sick kind of way, but sick nonetheless.

Comments, eh? I'll give you a comment (implication)!

You could comment on my blog too. Although I am terribly bad about all of that commenting jazz. Who knows... maybe I shall get good at this one day.

K said...

I'll neglect you! I got 4 hours of sleep on monday night, & on tuesday night (but I also slept 4 tuesday evening). See new post today yay.

Anonymous said...

Why not just sign OUT of entrepeneurship instead of living with it? That's what I did cause of Mr. Egg (others may know who I am blatantly referring to). Anyway, this is Angie Hovestad signing off for now.