Monday, September 13, 2004

blogsurfing again.

wow, how terrifyingly accurate. go here, and take the colour test, it pinned me to a tee!

anyways, comtinuing my abandoned post, rehearsal flew by, which is strange, cause all I did was watch a video, and do SOME blocking, not even a lot. Glenn, and Gareth both laid with their heads in my lap, and I felt special. but then Spencer (the boy) told me that I scared him cause I was all, "*oooh-eeee!*", and I was sad. then he confused me by returning my goodbye wave at the end of rehearsal! if anybodyunderstands the meanign of this behavior, give me a shout. I am sad, and alone in my incomprehension... :(

I found out that Anthony Bernardi from M + CdA goes to Dover now, adn he's in Bye Bye Birdie. He plays my "boyfriend"! yikes! whatever, at least he's talented. I could be closely chorus-ing with people who have no idea how to characterize themselves which would make me crazy. Anthony at least knows what's going down. However, I'm sad, cause me in my clumsy oafness stepped on his foot three separate times, and even scratched him by accident! I am a goob.

Then the Welly crew caught the bus home. Me and Gator and Gareth talked bunches, but Brianna was in communicado. I dunno, she SAYS she isn't mad about anything,but Brianna RARELY gets like that unless she's pisses about something. However she wasn't twitching uncontrollably! I take that as a good sign! lol!

rode the loooong bus ride home. you wouldn't believe it. I catch the bus at roughly ten after five or so, I didn't get home until 10 after six. a full hour just on the bus! that frightens me. I hate my commute. at City Centre, hordes of people begged my assistance with their bus scheduling. k, three. you got me. but still, one person who had watched me give all these three people assistance was like, "wow, you're like directory assistance, aren't you?" I was like, "no kidding." but I didn;t mind.

found out that poor Serseph has injured himself into craptaculosity!!! Everybody knows how he hurt his leg, right? well, it was bugging him, and he went to the doctor, and the doctor said: no more monkeys jumping on the bed! well, ACTUALLY, it was no more Sersephaguses riding on their bikes. details are on his blog. Seriously tragic for him! How is he ever going to impress me into submissivosity, if he is banned from his bike? *intense sadness*

of course I talked to him tonight again for another couple hours. on the bus today, Laura said something that kinda freaked me out wiht it's relevance. She compared the amount of time that I spend talking with Sean to when she was dating Alex, and they spent at leats an hour talking every single night, and then as their relationship progressed, it got like they HAD to talk on msn at least an hour a night, or something was wrong. that freaked me out because I could see that happening, even though right now we are still hunky dory. (wow I am ashamed of the fact that I just used that phrase. but I staunchly refuse to erase it!) anyways, tonight, even though I wanted to keep talking, adn had more things to say, I decided to cut it short, in favor of homework. I am seeing him tomorrow, I can talk to him then. *sigh* but I don't wanna wait! boy, I am goingt o be useless in class all day tomorrow! lol!

anyways, if I am supposed to be homeworking, I should probably go do that huh? icky math. :P yuck.


K said...

Yeah, make sure you don't suck at math... last time I checked Math 11 at least is required to graduate. We can all help you if you want, though I forget some things. But I've had plenty of practise (ESL = teaching international students math).

VivaLaPinto said...

know what Kevin? I appreciate the offer, and this time last year, I probably would have accepted it and then slacked off the whole semester until fails-ville. BUT NOT THIS TIME! this time I understand it! this time I've been PAYING attention and DOING most of the homework in that class! mostly because I am a loser, and have no friends in that class but that's BESIDE THE POINT! (btw, does anybody else notice that once you're back in school you're group of friends size DEcreases dramatically once your are no longer able to hang out with friends from other schools anymore? urgfh)

amyleigh said...

you took the color quiz!! haha. i love that quiz...i take it every time i'm in a "weird" mood and it helps me sort things out logically. which I need because me and logic are not friends.

MattyRob said...

Bye Bye Birdie was soooooo much fun to do! You have to tell me who plays who! I was Harvey Johnson! I was Awesome! Got my own solo and everything!

VivaLaPinto said...

YOU were Harvey Johnson! kick-ass! *hello, Mr. Miller, this is Harvey Johnson, can I SPEAK (rack crack) to Penelope Ann?*