Wednesday, September 29, 2004

bombarded by love and aliens

last night was sweet. after choir I called Sean's house to see if he wanted to do anything but he wasn't there, so I just went home. and then what did I discover when I got home, I signed on to msn, and right away, Spencer Myers invited me to see the Forgotten with him and a bunch of people!!! woo-hoo! I didn't think I had money, but then I realized that I had some stashed away from getting paid a while ago. I looked for it, and found it, but then between rushing out the door to catch the bus, and talking to my evil mom who was trying to slow me down, I totally forgot it on my desk!!! bummer! I got there, and panicked when I went to buy my ticket, but luckily Spencer and Katie saved me by chipping in for my ticket. I vow to do something nice for them. Or you know just pay them back, that might be an idea! So we went into the theatre, and found everyone sitting way down at the front. talk about a crick in the neck! oy!

the movie was crazy!!! I was making fun of it for a little while cause the beginning was so cheesy, but then it got really really good. They were running from NSA agents, and I was like, "excuse me? you expect me to believe that a crazy woman is actually part of a government coverup???" I mean, she was just so believeable as a delusional freak. I totally could have seen it. But then she turned outt o be right, and then as she was running the sky did funny things, and I was like, "WHAT??? Now it's going to turn into an alien movie???" i couldn't believe how cheesy the plotline was turning out to be. But then to my amazement they actually pulled it off! Unfortunately, they used formula scare tactics such as this NSA agent whispering something in Julianne Moore's ear, and then the roof of their cabin blowing off VERY loudly, and intimidatingly. At that point the ENTIRE theatre screamed! I am not even kidding, and I laughed at them all, especially the dumb ones like Sarah Boyce, and Leah Ferguson, and Brian Brooks that i saw there. That happened a couple of times, and everytime it did, it was strange, and so intimidating, it was like, now the roof of their cabin is blown off, obviously the idea of them "hiding" anywhere is complete bollocks, cause they can see and hear everything they do! and if they can blow up a cabin like that, just randomly, then they must have felt so exposed, and vulnerable. Compared to something who could do that that quickly, they were absolutely nothing, and completely insignificant. And at the risk of ruining it, don't worry anybody who hasn't seen it, it's the movies, and even the miniscule and insignificant triumph over all-powerful aliens. Very formula.

then we went to Timmy's, and I had nothing cause I was super-dumb, and forgot my money. seriously, I refuse to let another person pay for anything of mine in the next fifty years, ever. if it's a gift, maybe. an exorbitant gift, no. I am sick of borrowing off of people. it shall not happen again. I vow to HAVE money in the next couple weeks, and spend it ALL on my friends. being poor blows monkey ass. but anyways, Timmy's was ultimo fun of course. It was me, Spencer, Katie, Will, Jenn, and Tasha, and we had so much fun just talking about everything. Spencer shoved his foot in his mouth by telling Tasha that she looked weird without makeup, and then opened it up a little wider and shoved the other one in by trying to continue, and saying, "it's not like it looks bad!" that produced lots of hilarity and amusement, and all enjoyed themselves. It was kind of funny, some person who apparently plays in a local band (if I were a true local band fan, I would know who he plays with, but I am not, and I am a theatre kid and I am PROUD OF IT!) came up to the table, and they were all talking about which bands were doing which shows, and his whole vibe was all ultra hardcore, and I got to thinking about Collective shows coming up, and then I felt like a nerd! I said that to Jenn, I was like, "ok, now I feel like a geek!" she's like, "why?" and I said, "cause this guy is all like, 'I'm h-core', and I'm sitting here, *nerd voice* 'i like to sing with my friends! we do HAR-mon-eeeeee' " and she laughed lots. Then we got to talking about how when you are an alto, at least you have some opportunity for depth of tone, and (*hey, I found a Wallflowers CD! frickin AWESOME! where the heck did that come from? probably April's.*) then we started making fun of being sopranos. It just fit my mood right well! I got to be weird and nasty.

oh yeah, did I ever tell you? I was in the strangest mood yesterday. I felt totally pissy and odd for no reason, but it didn't come out in a bitchy kind of way, it just kind of made me say nasty things to myself. I swore inside my head a lot yesterday... Like, for instance I was waiting for the light to turn in the morning with my mom on the way to the bus, and it just wouldn't turn, and I pitched a fit standing at the curb. It wasn't like I was serious, but it was just satisfying to stand at the curb jumping up and down. like I said, I was in a strange mood yesterday.

then everyone had to go home, seeing as how it was a school night, and no one could drive me home cause it's WAY downtown, so I had to wait at the despised Woodgrove bus exchange, insulting everything I saw to myself and giggling like a little girl for fortyfive minutes. It was freezing cold, but my own nastiness warmed me some. Finally me bus came, and going from North to South is entirely unpleasant! It took like fortyfive minutes, an hour to get downtown. The monotony of it all totally scrambled my brains into submission. I waited at the 5/6 stop, and some stoned guy hit on me. Well, hey, it's partly my fault to be downtown at eleven thirty at night, isn't it? His eyes were practically glued shut, I was like, "wow, that's attractive." and again, the nastiness kicked in! And you know the scary thing? As soon as panto starts that's going to be my life on Tuesday and Thursday nights! ick! Panto goes until ten, and then the next bus comes at like ten thirty I think and I end up not getting home until eleven, or eleven thirty. That's on school nights. Have fun with homework, Alleah Poirier. Maybe it's good I only got chorus, I don't have to make as many practices until like, November, plus I don't have to put out as much energy when I am there. being chorus is good, cause if you need to you can mark everything.

Well, anyways, i finally got home, and what did I discover? a WHOLE LOTTA LOVE, that's what!!! That is definitely enough in one night to make Pinto feel appreciated! being invited to a movie, AND being called very very complimentary things by a very very cute boy! Nastiness has effectively been exterminiated! And you shoulda seen the email he sent me!!! I melted! into a little puddle at the foot of my computer! wait a minute--my computer doesn't have a foot. If it was a clam it would. But it's not, so it doesn't.

Enough of that.

Suffice it to say, that I am waiting for the next time I can see Sean, because I want to give him lots and lots and lots of love back...



Tim Banky said...


So... never let anyone buy anything for you again? Funny how quickly that one died off...

Stephanie said...

Reminds me of the time I had to bus home (Richmond) from Downtown (Vancouver). MAN, that was scary. Even though it was only two buses to get back home, it was still scary. Half the people on the bus looked like they were going to rape me. Or attack me. Or ask me weird and scary questions.

I don't know. Public transit just looks so much more appealing in daylight. I'm not saying that it's appealing at all, just MORE appealing as opposed to during the night time. Y'know?

VivaLaPinto said...

yeah, I understand what you mean...the downtown buses are full of the creepiest people, I swear. One time, I dared to wear a dress, and this disgusting old man who was like a hundred years old told me I was cute, and asked me if I ever hung out at this bar, The Cambie's, downtown. I was like, nope...And ever since, my absolute favorite cafe (there's a delicatessen, as well as a bar at the Cambie's) has been ruined, cause I am terrified of running into tha creepy man!