Wednesday, September 01, 2004


these people are fun! they are Christian! and at least one of them is an actor! I found theatre people! But probably not on our scale of theatre peopleness. *sigh* anyways. check 'em out.

so yeah, hung out with Barbararararararaaaaaa tonight. Gareth was also there. We drew pictures of genetalia on her wash-off board. They were bad pictures, and extraordinarily disporportioned. urgfh. Gareth went home at eleven, and me and Barb drank tea, and discussed the Trish situation, and the (*) situation. I CANNOT wait for the weekend! The parties coming up are going to be so fantastic! I forgot to find out if Llowyn is actually GOING skinny dipping with us, as well as attending the actual party. we're thinking we'll just invite a whole wack of people over to Gareth's house, then whoever wants to come will tag along when we head to Long Lake for the actual skinny dipping. I heard that JASON HENDSBEE wants to come! yeah, I know, what??? whatever, if he can be civil, then I can be civil. *Any civil you can civil I can civil civiler, I can civil any civil civiler that you.*

I am feeling taxidermied right now. Seriously, I zoned out just now, and for some reason pretended I was filled with cotton, and my eyes were glass. yikes.

well, it is now officially September. really, it is, check the thinger at the very top top top of this post, it says so. And anything Blogger says MUST be true... hmmm...September brings school. ick. But with school, comes--CHOIR!!!! and absolutely fantabulous-wabulous choir that has added awesemity because of Mel and Barb, and Gareth all joining! That whole idea is a big fat w00t. Unfortunately, it also brings with it, Grade Yucky Twelve, with all it's unsavory Grad Fees to be paid, and classes to not slack off in, and work experience to be gained. Oh, god, I just remembered: CAPP hours! How distasteful. I don't wanna get a job, but I suppose I must. I have been ruined by summer. All my work ethic is dissolved. I am Slacktron!

hmmm...I feel the need for a handsome young prince to come sweep me off my feet. one with a white horse. *snaps fingers, taps toes.* well? I'm waiting! I dunno, I actually really do need to find someone suitable. I am descending into banal cougarhood. Even Barb's little brother is starting to look interesting. yikes times a million! Well, he is only a few months younger than me, and he's sixteen, which is kind of my own age. However, so was He Who Shall Not Be Named, and we do not speak of him anymore...*cringe*.

Hey, everybody, wasn't there another "He Who Shall Not Be Named"? I can't remember if there was or not... Someone tell me who the first one was.

urgfh!!! the word 'yesterday' is burning my eyes out of their sockets! seriously, search the Beatles on Kazaa! It is death! Death I tell you!!!

thank god for music! I finally broke down and started downloading songs off the internet. I have tunes again! thank goodness...

anyways, I'm off, cause I am tired. goodnight!


K said...

k, how many (*)s are there? I am pretty sure I was once referred to as "(*)," but it's a little self-centered of me to assume that. Also, "He who shall not be named" = lord voldemort.

barbara_mary said...

You date my brother and I shall shoot you. No question. "Jeremy's cack is deformed!!!"

MattyRob said...

I'n not at your scale??? What's your scale at because I'm pretty high up on the scale. I personaly don't think so but thats what the drama teachers say...

This is a very fasinating blog, You guys are Islanders up in Naniamo eh? Awesome, anyone from the Island is pretty cool. They know how to have way more fun then city folk. anywho... GO CANADA!!!! AND JESUS!

Brianna said...

who is MattyRob??? By the way, if you go out withJosh, we WILL have to crucify you.

VivaLaPinto said...

you know, it's true...I've met at the very least ONE Vancouver-er this past summer, and from the way he reacted to hanging with my crowd, our kind of fun is not something he experiences everyday...

that saddens me; how can anybody have not as much fun as we do, and still be alive? you'd be entertainment-starved. no wonder the normals have to spend ridiculous amounts of money of movies, and other things.

and yes, there is a distressing tendency in myself to go for the young 'uns. How frightening. For them.

Brianna said...

haha, youre turning into me

MattyRob said...

Well you see, we do have as much fun as you guys, but not like you guys. My dad was an Islander so I know what Island fun is and city fun. Theres just something about an Island that makes things so more rebelious. But it's not that were losers in Vancouver, we just don't know how to party like an Islanders. Amazing how diferent we are when we live so close...

Oh yes, MattyRob is a guy from 'these people are fun!' I must say, these people are fun too!

Brianna said...

Hey, these random people should read me and Gators' blogs too!

barbara_mary said...

Greedy Brianna! Wants to steal all the strangers for herself!

MattyRob said...

Don't Worry, theres enough random strangers for everyone!

Anonymous said...

hee hee hee! I MUST figure out how to get perma-links! Otherwise, how shall my new Christian fun-friends discover my other theatre friends??? how distressing!