Friday, September 10, 2004

Friday, finally; the weekend's almost here!!!

w00t! no more waking up at ridiculous hours for two whole days! oh, I forgot the extreme awesemity of weekends. and Fridays nights! *wink!*

speaking of which tonight is going to be AWESOME!!! I am going over to Gator's with Gareth, and Sean is coming and we're all going to watch Bye Bye Birdie, and it's going to be frickin sweet! I cannot wait. urgfh, silly boy, making me wait until today for an answer to my question. best he watch out; Pinto the Brutally Honest has scary habits of saying whatever pops into her head. and the things going through MY head...

k, that sounded sexual. which this is NOT yet! and I know that none of my friends think that I can handle dating a Mormon guy, but go ahead! Doubt me! It only makes me that much more determined to prove you wrong. That is my thing I've noticed. Me and Brianna are both uber uber competitive, but she needs to be funnier/smarter/more skilled/all around better than everybody else. (as revealed at the Mime and Commedia dell'Arte cast party) but me, I am competitive in the sense that I compete against myself to see how much STUFF I can pull off at one time. And by pull off, I mean complete with no severe injuries of body or mind. I'm not like Mel, who spends ALL HER TIME booked crazily, and thrives off of it. But I do have to prove something to myself. I dunno what it is. But I do know it is irksomely laughig in my face, saying mwa-ha-ha you are not good enough to attain me, until I pwn it's ass into sumissiveness.

heh heh. that's what it's all about! the pwnage!

anyways, it is an urgfh-some, urgfh-some 7:04AM right now. I got ready extra early cause today is picture day, and I popped out of bed, bright and cheery. (*snort* yeah, right, Pinto) Also because I knew it would take me a long time to get pretty for picture day/announcements tryouts/bye bye birdie rehearsal/Sean. However that is done now. Now I have some extra time before i have to leave to catch my bus. So I shall use it to blog. That is my plan over the next few, crazy-making months. Every free peice of time I get, if I can blog, I shall do so. I am not one of those lamers who neglects their poor blog, and all their readers as soon as school gets in cause they're lame! No! I am Pinto the Compassionate. and I remember my readers wherever I go. :)

the girls are being lame, and downers at me. They are absolutely convinced that I will not be able to do all the stuf I am doing this year. But I do NOT agree! I mean, the only thing that is different aboutt his year is that I shall be doing three shows at once. (maybe just two, but probably three) bUt it ought to be ok. I am one of the only good people in the production class at school, and since Brianna left, Tinnion is desparate to make me stay, so I'll just say that I can't do any after school rehearsals (which I actually can't) and Tinnion will be cowed, and keep the rehearsals to within school hours. Bye Bye Birdie is on three days of the week after school, and I am pretty sure I can keep it confined to that. It is panto that shall make it even harder, with three rehearsals a week, and two of those after school, and choir. I have a small feeling I will be immensely exhausted by panto, making it difficult to stay up to do homework, but I have no trouble doing homework while at panto, especially if I get another shitty chorus role, which I probably will, cause I shall never ever have a lead EVER.

anyways, so that is my nutsoid semester. it would have been nice to have one of these shows be next semester or something, but I want to get used to things being insane with me. It can do nothing but help, I think. It is really lucky that I have easy classes this semester. If I ahd history, like Brianna does, I would die, and she's ONLY doing Bye Bye Birdie. Well, the girls don't think I can pull all of that off, and that I am going to be ultra crazy. Well, that just means I have to find something I can do to release stress other than snapping at my girls, and at my family. erm... I could just be really mean to people I don't like, but that would be mean and bastardly, and people would not like me then. We can't have that.

I wonder if the girls and I will do any performing at all this semester. I REALLY hope so, cause it is NOT fair if we can't. I knew we should have set up practice times before the end of summer. urgfh.

k, I am babbling, and anyways, it is time for me to catch me bus. so long for now! I might blog again during entrepreneurship. And, does anybody know how to graph quadratic equations? cause I sure don't!!!

whatever, it's all zero.


barbara_mary said...

I figure you can do it. And maybe you can get rid of stress with Sean. By... uhm... playing chess. Yeah, play some chess and all will be good.

K said...

Yes, yes, your faithful reader(s) demand you keep churning out the content, unlike postless Laura. Sounds like you have a busy life this year, so good luck with that & with dating Phallus (for lack of a newer, cooler nickname); he's a pretty random & interesting guy, though I've only met him once. Tomorrow is the weekend so maybe I can talk to people on MSN while it's Friday night where you are.

Also, a question... you are a girl, so I'd like you--in your infinite wisdom--to analyse this situation: what should I conclude when a girl invites me to a mass hanging out of exchange students at an unspecified time or place; to specify the time or place she says she will call me in the evening. Evening passes with no phone calls for me. Is she just afraid of talking to a chinese-speaking person, forgetful, possibly afflicted with flakiness, or what?

VivaLaPinto said...

well, I would say that it depends on the origin of the invitation. did she SPECIFICALLY invite you, or did you semi-invite yourself? in that case, the reason for non-callage could be either she is a flake. she is forgetful. she realized that she didn't have your number. or she was cutting you. if she specifically invited you, then I would probably say that the last option is not what it was.

does that help?

Kahloke said...

I have one simple question... Why in Yaweh's unspeakable name were you blogging at 7:04 AM?!?!? It is one of the most despicable hours of the day! I have often sent out warrants for it and 3:59 AM to be caught, shot and quartered! How could you even contemplate thinking of blogging at such a fearsome hour?!? Clearly you must be superman...woman... No, that would not do, as it could connotate a sexist remark.

*ahem* Clearly you are somekind of freakish morning ape.
*pets* Hello freakish morning ape! How are you today?

...ok, I'm sorry *hangs head in shame, trudges away slowly*

bradfurd said...

FYI: Kevin is in Taiwan, there is a SLIGHT time diffence when you are intercontinentally blogging. Kevin, you are a player. I'm sure she is just flaky or nervous. :D I actually didn't even read alleah's blog :| just the comments. but w/e.

K said...

A quadratic equation was a parabola, last time I checked. But Math 11 was a LONG time ago.

VivaLaPinto said...

I am a freakish morning ape. ooh ooh ahh ahh, morning!