Thursday, September 16, 2004

*happy face!*

tonight was fantastic!!! this entire day was great in different ways. in fact, it kind of feels like three different days all in one.

I woke up this quarter after eight. joy. late late late late late cause I am dumb. so I hung out at home all morning singing my audition peice and getting more nervous aboutt he whole thing. I really hope I get a decent role this time. getting chorus again will literally make me spontaneously combust. that's right. you heard me.

barely caught the bus. went to an assembly as soon as I got there. about--social responsibility. you know what that means? it means respecting your food, because your parents sweated hard for it. it means going to class on time, and NOT talking through an entire assembly, like a certain Pinto got in trouble for. anyways. boring boring. so that was "day one" of today.

then after lunch (which I remembered to bring today! good on me) I went to drama and (urgfh) entreprenuership. what a waste of an afternoon. after that, I went directly to Dover, with my girls, and Gareth. rehearsal was sweet. I finally got to learn my part of the "Honestly Sincere" dance. w00t! I discovered that all the girls with "boyfriends" (urgfh, Anthony) got to be part of the couples section which is SO MUCH FUN!!! I get to drag Anthony across the floor in exuberance, and there's a swing move in there that involves the guy pulling the girl through his legs, and flinging her. Me and Anthony rock-s0red at it, and so Shane (who plays Conrad Birdie) had me dance with him, and try to teach it to him. however the first time I went nowhere. in fact, I barely cleared his crotch. lovely... the second time, I went even less far, and I had to walk my way between his legs, and out. The third time, he swung me out...and dropped me. :S it's a good thing I bounce, and don't break. anyways, Anthony wasn't much better. he has this habit of sticking his butt RIGHT in my face, and in my anxiety to get away, I always end up losing his hands, and the swing messes up. but when we get it right, boy it looks good! the downside is, Anthony has the TINIEST attention span you could ever imagine. he learns the dance, then as soon as the music cuts, he's off doign soemthing retarded. in between every single dance instruction, he forced me to choreograph a fight routine with him. it's a really good thing that me and him did that fight workshop together, or I would have no clue what he was asking me to do. and yes, I do mean forced. I was fighting AGAINST MY WILL, I tell you. urgfh.

so anyways, after rehearsal, the Welly crew plus girl Spencer. (oh yeah, update on boy Spencer: he acted really nice, and happy to see me today with NO traces of--well, whatever it was that made him say that before, so I think things are good now. I think Laura may be correct when she says I read too much into things.) I had a looooooong bus ride home. TERRIFYING creepy man from Tim Horton's (remember, Sean?) was at City Centre bus stop. he did a math equation out loud to demonstrate his knowledge of the subject to me, while I slowly inched away. then he said he liked tutoring math, cause "he was so good at it," and gave me his number for if I ever needed a tutor. yikes! times eight trillion! I promptly forgot it.

so that was the end of the "day two" part of today. after I got home, I called Sean to see if he wanted to hang out, and (surprise , surprise) he did! So I caught the next bus to his house (which I almost missed btw), and promptly got lost, looking for his house! *blush* I got off at the right stop, and wandered down into Carnduff Place, but it is much bigger than I'd thought it was going to be. I only found his house cause I saw two teenage boys standing outside it, one with build similar to Sean's. yes, yes, I know. brick, and white should be easy to spot! shame on me.

so we hung out in his living room for a while. his friend Troy acted like HE lived in Sean's house, getting me a glass of water, and taking my glass when I was done. it was very sweet, and chivalrous, and I was quite impressed! Sean played a bunch of things on the piano, and his Mom told us stories of him giggling "like a little girl" over the fact that he could play this one song with his arms crossed over one another. We also discussed Canadian Idol, and the Nanaimo choir scene. she's heard of Welly choir! we're famous! I actually said that as a joke, and she looked at me, serious-like, and was like, "yes, you guys are!" I was like, "whoa." she used to sing with the Cameretta singers. I think I know other people who I know who were in that choir but I can't 'member who they are right this moment...

then Troy's mom came, so he had to go. Sean and I went downstairs, and I finally got to see his room. Does everybody remember me being crazy over the fact that magazines come and do photio shoots with him, and feature him, and everything? well, I saw one of those pics, and it was all crazy and professional, and from a magazine, and I almost DIED of ecstasy. I don't know what it is, but ABILITY is such a huge thing for me. and being recognized for your abilities is just SO attractive.yeah, publicity! w00t!

anyways, we watched Galaxy Quest, which was AWESOME!!! (don't even say one word, Brianna Akins...) I haven't seen that movie in at least a year. And I giggled like a child at all the appropriate parts. I LOVE that movie! it's just SO good in SUCH a bad way. and yet not bad at all. oh it is so late...I am incoherent.

that entire part of the evening was just satisfaction in a can. I was so happy! I haven't felt like such a long time. :) He kissed me! :D I couldn't stop smiling while dancing in the mirror when I got home. Ahh, lovestruck Pinto! how goober-ridden. :)

Sean's stepdad Ian drove me home which was SO awesome cause Ian is hysterical! I was seriously laughing like a hyena in the car! he was so great. he's a military historian (second world war, sorry, Brianna), and he works at the Military Museum in Rutherford. He asked me nice questions about myself which was great. I ordinarily get a little uncomfortable when explaining myself to others, especially friend's parents, just cause I feel silly. but he didn't amke me feel like that at all, it was so nice! we talked about rap, and science fiction books (Harry Harrison. note to self, must read...). It was just oodles of fun! And that was the end of "day three" of today.

I really like both Sean's parents! His Mom, Bonnie is just so sweet, and nice, and Ian is hilarious, which of course puts you at ease when you deal with him. laughter is such a universal thing. i consider funny people to be my favorite kidn of people. cause they just do SO MUCH wihtout even realizing it, in social situations. when everybody is laughing about something it's such a relaxant, and an icebreaker...

I wish I was funny. I am so jealous of Brianna. I seriously need her with me when meeting new people, otherwise it's a disaster cause I don't know what to say, and when I start saying things I usually say, they just come out wrong. lol! Brianna is my security blanket. I should take her wherever I go! heh heh heh!

anyways, I got home, and got a hug from Sean :), then drank coffee (silly Pinto), then talked on msn with Sean! heh heh! which was, again, very nice! I am so happy with the way things are working out! grin grin grin!

nighty night, all. this girl has dreams to chase.


K said...

I'm glad you had a good day. I did as well. It seems a little late to be up on a school night, but then again my concept of "late" & "early" is messed due to frickage of long travel times & early school start. What I find random is a lot of random girls think I'm good-looking. "So handsome!" they say, and demand I pose for a picture. Well, at least 5 pics today.

VivaLaPinto said...

Kevin! you're finally finding the appreciation you deserve! (oustside of Laura, that is...)


amyleigh said...

haha, that's so fun that you think Ian's hilarious. He is the only human I know that says "Greetings!" every single time he walks into a room...I always expect him to finish off with "fellow earthlings" or some :)

barbara_mary said...

Yay for Alleah and Sean! What happened to a midnight bedtime, hmm?

bradfurd said...

OH MAn Ian. he is my driving instructor now. haha. yay wut up to Sean in his studliness.

VivaLaPinto said...

wut UP to Sean and his studliness!!!