Sunday, September 05, 2004

I have a post-immodesty hangover...

skinny dipping was AWESOME!

oh man...alright, I have been commanded by the wonderful Barbara to NOT blog about that night because of a nothing-leaves-this-room clause that has been put into effect. But let me just say, I had NO idea I could have so much fun not wearing clothing (wow, that's a burn on certain people! lol!), Geoff's dignity got brutally raped, Llowyn has been contracted to deflower my blues virginity, and I have no idea how I am going to be able to look Olives, and Jason Hendsbee in the face when we get back to school. That may be problematical.

however there are a few things that must be said. First of all, my whining about not knowing Lewis in B-rad's b-day bash post was actually quite foreshadowing of me, for who was there last night, but the ever-entertaining LEWIS! w00t times a million. He came with Olives, and Laurie. We all hung out in Barbara's basement for a long time talking, throwing lego down people's shirts, and shorts, learning how to have sex with dolphins, and talking. I learned something EXTREMELY interesting about Lewis's *ahem* activities the night that Val Nielson dropped Laurie off at his house! That provided quite a bit of amusement. And the other thing I have to say about Lewis-the-Awesome is that he led us through the scary dark forest on our way to the dam when we went skinny dipping with nothing but his memories of the dam, and his cell phone light to guide us! Lucky me, I was priveledged enough to hold his hand the WHOLE way! *giggle!* I know, stop it, I am giving him a big head! :D well, anyways, we finally made it to the dam, (through obstacles such as dark forest, and random drunk people who randomly know my name *shrug*), and we all GOT NEKKID!!! mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!! ok, again, I am not allowed to really say anything about our activities, but suffice it to say, that I QUITE enjoyed myself. If I know you well enough, you might get to know what I mean by that!

Well, despite various injuries I acquired, we had just the best time ever, or course, but sadly Lewis had to work at six this morning, so he bowed out of the rest of the evening (which is probably good for him!), and he gave me his number! squeal-a-rrific! I mean, I find that to be a very good sign. He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named asked for my email, and that should have been a very large warning sign. But no! Lewis gave me his NUMBER! On one of my APPENDAGES! How committed! lol! no, jk.

Well, anyways, we returned home and played a very--um--raucus, I suppose you could say, game of *cards*. quite the enjoyable. However, after maybe an hour or two of this "card" game, something extraordinarily embarrassing happened, and we decided to retire in shame to Barbara's bedroom! All you poor readers get is two words: Peeping Toms. Which doesn't quite say it, but anyways. Everybody who doesn't know what I mean by that, I am TRULY sorry, and if it were up to me, I would post every sordid detail for the intire internet to gawk over, but I have been bound by the laws of friendship.

hahahahahaha! which a certain someone broke SO badly last night! oh, but I cannot tell you about it... I hate the laws of information sharing! I hate them! and not only the aforementioned clause is hanging over my head, but also a private request for privacy from one of the involved parties, so unfortunately, I may not divulge this to the internet. Though my GOODNESS I would like to! Ok, I'll leave it at this: I had a strong urge to "cleanse" a certain someone with Ivory dishsoap (it was the first thing I saw), and oatmeal (I dunno, it seems wholesome) when I heard about it!

k, moving on now. so we stayed up just talking and laughing until about four. Not me, though. I crapped out like the stay-up-wuss that I am, and was sleeping on, and off from about two on. I would drift off next to Llowyn (oh that reminds me! Asterisk is oh-so-nice to--um--be around at...certain times; just ask Gator's other half, SHE knows what I mean!) according to Spencer, I am very cute when I sleep. *shrug, looks around* um, ok...

oh, I forgot! Geoff saved me from the BIGGEST SPIDER IN THE WORLD!!!!! For that, he is in my good books again. I guess, Barbara was getting blankets for everyone, and I just wrapped one around myself, and I guess a rather large wolf spider had been living in it, and I walked into Barb's bedroom with this blanket around my shoulders. Well, I guess the spider was like running around on me, all agitated-like, and Geoff is just like, "oh, man, Alleah take off thant blanket RIGHT NOW!" but he was calm about it, so I didn't know what was happening until I looked around, and saw this enormous spider fall off the blanket, and start scurrying around in fear, and loathing. Well! When I saw that, I was like, !!!!!!!!! I started freaking out, and jumped onto the chair beside me, and then for some reason, I got irrationally terrified of this flood of spiders coming out of the chair and eating me, and then I looked around and nowhere looked safe, so I just stood in the middle of the room being terrified while Geoff and Llowyn caught the spider and put it out side without killing it. hw admirable! But horrifying nonetheless. Then Llowyn came back in the room and gave me mad hugs cause I was so frightened, and icked out! Oh, dear Mr. Wolf Spider, why must you disturb me so?

well, then we went to bed, and I slept, and other things happened, specifically in Barbara's little brother's room (how yucky), and also in Barb's room. ick ick ick. I woke up at like seven because I was freezing, cause stupid Llowyn had his arms around Barbara. It was not fair at all! Every single girl in that room had a boy to keep them warm, but me and Barb had to SHARE Llowyn! So he was Barb-ing, and I was left with my piddly little spidey-blankie. I snuggled up to his back, but as soon as I got comfy and warm again, I started to relax, and fell away from his back, and THAT just didn't work, cause I got cold again! How frustrating! So anyways, I was just jealous of Barb for a little bit, but then I got bored and went searching for other awake people. Who turned out to be Kelsey, and Spence, and Jordan (one os Barb's little brother's friends) in Barb's little bro's bed. I won't say anything about the state of dress between these three people, but you do get to know that every one of them had their PANTS on. That should leave a little to your sordid imaginations!

well anyways, everyone started waking up, and we all hung out in the bedroom. I somehow ended up spooning on Barbara's bed with a certain person with whom I would have NEVER evpected EVER!!!!! Seriously, I don't know how I am going to be able to look them in the eye when we go back to school...

(one and a half days! yikes!)

anyways, in the morning I made French toast for all, and was very worried that I would burn the house down. Actually, we didn't have enough eggs to cook food for Jordan and Josh, so they were unfortunately cut. *sigh* but we had tons of fun hanging out in the kitchen talking until my mom to pick me up, which brings me to here!
Well, now I am obligated to finish this post so that other people can read it! woo-hoo!

skinny dipping was AWESOME!!!!!


Anonymous said...

This may come as a shock to you alleah, but I too had a fantastic time at the I'm sure you knew seeing ashow I toild you a bunch. But yeah, so much will never leave the dam...or barb's downstairs

barbara_mary said...

Oh dear are we crazy people sometimes! We were oh-so-shamed. "It's a built in purse!" "I .. felt funny." I had an extremely good time. And I will be forced to pay for it dearly.

Brianna said...

Yes Alleah... nothing leaves the dam... well, nothing scandalous anyways. And yeah, sucked to be you with no warm guy to cuddle with. Although I onyl had Gareth, which doesnt count in the Barbara-Llowyn way. But you know you could have gone over to a certain unmentionable someone, mahaha.

VivaLaPinto said...

I hate you.

VivaLaPinto said...

no prob.
I don't think anything is planned for very soon, but when it is, I'll call you. and I'll give you Lewis' number AND email to make up for being left out, k? how does that sound?