Saturday, September 25, 2004

if this song were a woman, and I were a man, I'd want to marry it, or at least get it drunk and take it home...

I bet Kevin knows where that's from.

well, today was interesting on SO many levels! I was extremely late for practice with the girls, and God punished me by making me take the same bus as these extraordinarily obnoxious male American tourists who gave me a strong urge to take a pencil, and poke them until they died. Seriously, you don't understand how much I wanted to eat their eyeballs. They saw this random girl walking on the side of the road, and leered at her like the dirty old men that they were. One of them was like, "she looks like she has places to go, and people to see." (and yes I am using fat rat voice as I recite this memory). And the other one was like, "actually, she looks like she has BEEN places, and DONE people" and they all laughed evilly, and I wanted to punch them. They had these boy children with them, and you could tell, they were hiding in embarrassment from their fathers because the one kept saying things to his kid, and the kid was just ignoring him. I wanted to be like, "hey kid your dad is a prick." but I think he already knew that. the one guy was like, "hey Taylor, have you ever seen Canadian people before?" and the kid just looked at his dad, and turned around, didn't say a word! I was like, good on ya! I am glad you recognize the fact that your dad is an asshole.

anyways, I shall discontinue going off about them now, cause I believe I have established their idiocy. then I went to Gator's and we sang and sang and sang to our little heart's content. When I got there, they were finishing up "When I Fall in Love" (the harmonic version!) So I jumped in, and we finished that up. That was quite fun. Then we sang a couple of songs that we already knew, but we just wanted to sing, like Sincerely, Chattanooga Choo Choo, and Scarborough Fair. We had to do some serious work on Scarborough Fair, cause we'd added some stuff to the key change, and it just wasn't working any more. For some reason, that song just eludes us. It is so infuriating. Then we learned Carol of the Bells which is the best song IN THE WORLD to sing, even though when you listen to it, it is pure terror. and by that I do not mean it is bad, I mean it is frightening to listen to! And yes, I realize it is September, but Brianna really wanted to start learning Christmas songs, and I condone because if we get all the learning out of the way now, Brianna will be more receptive to the idea of doing some Christmas shows, because they will require a minimum of preparation... Anyways, we learned that, and I LOVE IT!!! it is one big sacriligious orgasm in Christmas carol form. (lol! L + B! "blasphemy! sacriledge! heresy!") then, Brianna wanted to sing that old Elvis song we learned when we first started singing together, Can't Help Falling in Love, so we did, and it was so orgasmic, we spontaneously decided to sing our ENTIRE REPERTOIRE, and I was happy just to be alive. Then we wrote our repertoire down, and decided that there was nowhere near enough songs in it. So now we are on a learning mission. Brianna eventually had to go home, and me and Laura hung out talking about music. We got on the topic of releasing a CD, but the prospect of paying for the rights of ALL those covers daunted us, and so the conversation switched to maybe arranging one of my songs. And so we did. Totally spontaneously, me and Laura sat down and began arranging a song that I wrote. It used to have a title, but I decided to change it. And I have to rewrite the last verse to make it more a cappella friendly. All we did on it was the chord progression, (or melody to be honest), and we arranged the first verse. But it sounds totally cool, and I am really excited about it. I am going to search my brain, and see if I can remember other stuff I wrote. I am so sad; ALL of my songs burnt with the house, and I have been writing since I was nine years old. Actually, when it happened, Laura came and sat with me the whole time the house was burning and after, I kept remembering things I'd lost, and ironically, it was Laura who remembered my songs, not me! She just got this pained expression on her face, and was like, "Alleah--your songs!" it was one of the worst moments of my life.

anyways...that was ultimo cool, then I left, and waited for the bus for a retardly long time. very unpleasant. once on the bus, I saw a guy who I kind of know. His name was Phil. I first met him when Meagan Morris dated him. Then I would see him all over town for a period of about two years, and he would know who I was, but I wouldn't know who he was. He was also best friends with Chris after me and him broke up, so he got to hear all of Chris' spiteful bile about me. in fact, there was a time, when the only thing he knew about me was one of Chris' evil nicknames for me. However, then I am assuming he learned good things about me, cause the next time I saw him (he was drunk, and talked to me and Lewis a long time on skinny dipping night) he was quite nice to me. So anyways, tonight I saw him on the bus, and we talked for a long time about mutual acquaintances, the army, other people he knew. He was quite interesting to talk to! He said something about me that I found kind of interecting. I mentioned that I'd failed a couple of classes last year, and his jaw just dropped, he was like, "YOU failed something???" and I was like, "huh? yes, I failed three things last year", and he was like, "omg, i am shocked, everybody always told me that you were like this huge good smart girl", and I was like, "not at all." he asked me, "I bet you don't even drink, do you?" I was just like, "!" lol! It was quite funny! anyways, I talked to him the whole way home cause he was on both my buses, and that was fun.

now I am, just blogging, and talking to ppl. Geoff, and Devin to be precise. No pissed-ness yet, with Geoff! That's a good thing! (haha, Phil totally thought that me and Geoff were still going out, and I was like, "nope!") So I am off now. Jeez, I haven't even read anybody's blogs yet today, except for Tim-Tims! nighty night bloggy boos!


K said...

You'd be surprised how you don't ACTUALLY have to pay for covers (if you're me & Brad) :p

VivaLaPinto said...
