Monday, September 06, 2004

imagine all the people...

oh John Lennon, how accurate you are! Over the past two hours, I have not had fewer than five conversations going at once! how scary! for a while, I was talking with Barba, Llowyn, Nicole and Brianna online, while playing a game with Brianna, and talking on the phone with Mel. Then Brianna went away, and Laura signed in, creating extreme trepidation in the hearts of those involved with a certain scandalosity-laden love triangle! I also started talking to Geoff while talking to these to. After that, there was an EXPLOSION of people who signed in and talked to me! it was frightening! Brad started talking to me around the same time Gator signed in. Then Spencer signed in, and I gave her Lewis's number, and email like I promised, and then her brother signed in, and we've been talking up to now. Also Kevin signed in, so I'm talking to him about how I am ignoring everyone else to keep up with everyone else! Amanda signed in, and we've been talking. Monkey signed in, and we talked! But at least he gave me permission to ignore him a bit! lol! At the worst moment, I had nine conversation boxes open, every one of them was blinking, and NO other boxes open on my computer! oh, lovely, the other Amanda just signed in and is talking to me! this is really hard! it's calmed down now, I only have six people to talk to. much better!

well, anyways. life in Nanaimo is very drama-ridden tonight. First of all, the hot topic of late, the afore-mentioned scandal between Gator, Baraba, and Llowyn finally resolved itself (partially) tonight, among many a tearful confession. I blistered Llowyn's ears of warnings about the advantages of being completely honest to Collective. Me and Barbararara had decided that being upfront with Gator about the activities of skinny dipping night would probably be the most advantageous, and resolve the situation the best, so I tried to influence Llowyn towards the light as much as possible (lol! oh I am silly!) anyways, when Gator signed in, Llowyn told her about his feelings for Babra. She dealt well with it, as I knew she would. I feel so horrid for her now, though. Let's all shed a tear for Gator.

anyways. after Llowyn was done, Laura ended up calling me. I feel so bad about this because I couldn't concentrate on what she was saying because of bastardly msn boxes of death... I shall be sure to talk about it tons with her tomorrow, and let her get out all her bad feelings on me.

Well, now this is not completely resolved because this whole thing does not necessarily mean that Llowyn and Barbara are dating now. They are "confused" and are waiting to see how it goes. I think they should just go for it, cause "waiting to see how it goes" ALWAYS ends up in grief. But then you know me. meh.

in other news, I had a convo with Lewis tonight, as well! w00t to the MAX!!! nothing terribly scandalous. We talked about Hecate Lodge, and old people, and his work, and...uh...other stuff. yeah, see? that's how remarkable it was. but I have a small niggly feeling that I have no chance wiht the Lewis. he is already dating someone, for one, and apparently this is a someone whom he has no intention of--*ahem*--NOT dating, any time soon. so. it is back to the drawing board.

...I'll even take a toad, as long as he turns into a handsome prince!

so I am tired now, so let me just say that school blows, I don't wanna go, adn twelve is my new beddy bye time. sleepy Pinto is. *snore*

goodnight, bloggers...

1 comment:

barbara_mary said...

The drama in our group isn't always of the fun variety, that's for sure. *sigh*