Sunday, September 12, 2004

Pinto + The Seanster = happy fun love!

woo-HOO! today rocked the socks of Pintos and Sersephagus'es all over the world. well, really only the ones here in Nanaimo. and even then only the ones who hung out with each other. for most of the day! doing NOTHING BUT TALKING!!!

yes, it's true. I may have passed the gimp stage! This morning, I talked to Sean on msn for a while, which was great, as usual. Now last night, I was quite scarred by the stupid boring-ness of that irksome movie, and the atmosphere of boredom that it created. And of course, being the walking hyperbole that I am, I automatically assumed that it meant Sean had lost interest in me. I complained to Gareth the whole bus ride home! lol, I'm a goob. anyways, this morning, I discovered that *joy* he was actually still interested and had answered "yes" to my all-important question! so we made plans to hang out today. this you know...

so, finally, I got off my lazy ass, and got dressed--ish. I wore some oh-so-chic plaid pajama pants. there is no dount about it, I am the last word in fashion. that's right. take it. take it all. anyways, I enlisited Brad to come hang with us, so he arrived, and me and him watched Sean, and Sean's friend Ryan biking in the park which was awesome. Sean is crazy awesome at what he does! Granted, I don't know much about the subject, but I was honestly impressed, and according to him, he was "just goofing off"! I think when I see him actually TRYING to be good at it, I may die. Yes, die. We (kind of) met this guy that Sean knew who was RIDICULOUSLY awesome at biking. He was doing insane things with his bike, and had mad skill. Sean was like, "yeah--he's my inspiration." I could understand why; this guy was pro in an insane way! hardcore with an x. you heard me! lol!

so then we went to Timmies, and we all talked over Iced Caps, and the like. it was surprisingly hot out, for such a cloudy day. eventually, Brad had to leave, and me and Sean just stayed there talking FOREVER! it was awesome! I don't even know what we were talking about, I just remember laughing a lot, and having no aWkward silences! which is amazing, and must mean that I am past the gimp stage. at least I hope so. a creepy guy stopped to talk to us, adn when we got up to leave, followed us down the road, which was scary.

we left, and continued talking like mad fools, until we got to my house, where (again) we just kept talking! I find that so awesome that we can do that! This is like no other relationship I've ever had, because other than hugging when we said goodnight tonight, we've never ever once touched at all. and yet that is totally ok to me. it doesn't bug me, because unlike with other relationships, I don't need to fill in the aWkward silences with making out, because there ARE no aWkward silences! w00t w00t w00t! it makes me happy!

(not that I would object, mind you...)

at any rate, we talked and talked and talked, and Sean almost fell over for NO reason which was intensely amusing to me. I fell off the railing at least twice, if not more than that! Sean also got distracted by random people walking by, and I observed the process of his thought loss. You could seriously see it in his face, as he noticed something other than what he was talking about, stopped, focused in on what it was, then just lost what it was he was saying completely. I was even able to imitate it afterwards! quite pro of me, I think. :)

finally, it was like, nine, so he had to go home. he hugged me (and marveled at how far he had to bend down to do so; big surprise!), and I went inside and promptly commandeered the computer off of Mom. After roughly a half an hour, he signed in, and said hi right away! *joy times five* (why is it whenever I say a number other than a million with that saying, people always feel the need to go, "times five? why NOT times six?") And, we talked for another two hours!

We formulated plans to take over the world, him with his innate luck, lankiness, and impressive grunt-work, and me with my female anatomy. and by female anatomy, I mean breasts. woo-hoo for chest adornments! He also managed to say about a hundred squeal-worthy things! (goodness, I am a goob) I also got intimidated by yet ANOTHER enormous wolf spider in my house, and he sent me comfort-waves. they did their job! :)

so today has simply been kick ass, with a touch of splediferous-ness. and some sourkraut on the side!

*good mood*


K said...

And I quote: " that's right. take it. take it all. anyways..." You know, that sounds decidely like something Foo would say. And by that, I mean, that is something that Foo actually does say!! You have eaten his phraseology. :o :o :o !

Sometimes I wish I could make those little faces. Sometimes.


VivaLaPinto said...

it does sound like something Foodle would say, doesn't it, which is strange, because I started saying that after watching Centre Stage. strange...

Anonymous said...

Oh my Alleah, you have the most random things on here sometimes. I wish you luck and figurewd all would be well after that horrible movie.