Saturday, September 25, 2004

a post of necessity.

this post continues the idea I had started on Chip's tagboard but had to cut short because of blogger being a number-of-characters nazi.

Anyways, as I was saying: I value my sleep dearly, and highly love to engage in it, but life would be so much easier for me if I could just invent a pill, or some such that negated your need for sleep, and gave you back that eight-to-twelve hour period that you waste per night. Think of how pro I could be!!! I could school myself all day, then go to rehearsal and kick some serious ass, then hang out with me buds all night, and still have energy for homework, and house cleaning, AND still be able to veg for a couple hours in front of the tv, and/or computer! How frickin SWEET would that be??? I ask you!

however, not even the Borg have left their frail need for rest behind in their search for technilogical perfection so I am pretty sure that living my life twentyfourhours a day is pretty out of my reach for at least another ten thousand years or so.

btw, my kitchen is broken. yes that's right. all of it. that makes me very angry! *fear me I'm little*


VivaLaPinto said...

but it's all good, cause I have DORA THE EXPLORER FRUIT SNACKS to fulfill my psychological needs.

oh yeah, and Sean.

barbara_mary said...

Slightly curious on what physcological needs fruit snacks can fill...

Tim Banky said...

You may be small, but that doesn't mean you're right...

Hmm... sleep. I dated a girl for a time who almost never slept. Scary thing. You wake up to find her writing, or sitting there, or even getting a snack. Very scary. Our society needs sleep, if only because conformity is what brings us together.

Sleep is a valuable part of the day. Just imagine the feeling right after you awaken. That, my friend, is a feeling of bliss worthy of the lost hours in the day.

amyleigh said...

I concurr!!