Friday, September 24, 2004

well slit my wrist and pull up my bra!

wow, plans for this weekend have just been jumbled all around. originally, the plan was on Friday, Sean would come to rehearsal, and then we'd hang out. Saturday, we'd have breakfast with the mom, and I would stay home that day. And Sunday would be huge filming, adn hanging out with Devin and Sean day! Thigns have totally been switched around! Today, Sean came to rehearsal, but then me, him, Brianna, Laura, and Gareth all went to Rosie's after rehearsal, and we all hung out, and ate pizza, and sang a little, and then watched this awesome show about a dead girl. Yeah, I know w00t. But it was actually really cool! Now tomorrow, breakfast with Sean has been cancelled, now it's just me and the mom, and after that is practicing with the girls for this benefit concert coming up in a couple weeks. (Amanda, you better have mentioned us, cause the girls really want to do it now, as do I!) Then Sunday, since I got into panto, I have a read through at Kiwanis Lodge, Building K, from 1-4, so I am going to go to that, then head on over to Devin's, hang out with him and Sean, then steal Sean away and go to the Pirate Party! aaaarrrrhhh!!!!

hmmm, busy weekend. makes me sleepy. g'night, bloggers.

*yawn* that literally happened.


amyleigh said...

that's sad...your asterick'd yawn ACTUALLY made me yawn!

K said...

gack, now I am yawning too
make sure to tell us all about the fun-ness of 這個... Pirate Party. And are people still dressing up for school in random clothes of silliness at any time?

VivaLaPinto said...

yeah, any kind of yawn end up being contagious. and no, Kevin, not really, but give us a chance, it's only like the third or fourth week of school yet! I'm sure there'll be random dressup days where we come to school as fairies, or superheroes or--mushrooms or something!