Wednesday, July 28, 2004

boating was insane fun!

just got back from boating around Nanaimo harbour!  OMG, it was the most amount of fun I've had in forever!  I'm so happy to be hanging out with the Collective again.  *sigh*  it was so much fun!  we boated from the harbour over to the dinghy dock pub on Protection Island for lunch.  I had a chicken burger and cheese bread.  I was going to have a teriyaki burger, and it's sad that I didn't cause if I had, Brianna would have made it my spy name.  I'm the only one who doesn't have one cause I wasn't in Arts Alive.  *intense sadness*  Laura-Gator's is H2O, and Brianna's is Dr. Smooth, and Aden's is Green Grape (G. G. for short).  Mel and Gareth and probably Barbara have one too.  But I can't remember there's.  Anyway we ate there, and had copious amounts of fun talking about scallop farming, and the aspirations of vegetables (I'm going to be a tomato!  *hopeful face*).  As we were waiting for our dessert (Sex in a Dinghy; NOT joking!), me and the girls invented this game called--um...wait, I can't remember what it was called.  for the purposes of this blog we shall call it Tomato Toss.  Cause that's what we were doing.  We were passing a tomato back and forth using the coasters.  That was incredibly infantile, and amusing.  After that we clambered back aboard the boat, and sped our way around the island to the other side where there's this cove that's friends of Laura's family live on, and we swam off the boat there.  We had this air mattress, and I kept falling off of it, and attempting to get back on to no avail.  It was intensely amusing.  Then we sang a few songs while sitting on the bow, which was intense fun, SERIOUSLY because I haven't sung with my girls for forever and a day.  So we sang which was fun.  Then, just as we started singing "Do You Love Me",  Gord started the boat and we did some more speeding around the islands.  That was seriously hysterical, because we started screaming in excitement, but were still singing the song so it ended up being like, "DO YOOOOU LOOOOOVE MEEE!"  "DOOO YOOOOUUU LOOOVE (ha ha ha!) MEEEEEE"  "DO YOU LOVE MEEE-EEE-EEE"  "DO YOOOOOOOOUUU (ack!) LOOOOOVE MEEEEE"     "DO YOU LOVE (ha ha!) ME (ha!) BABY!"   "NOOOOOOOOOW  THAAAAAAAT  I-EEEEEEE CAAAAAN   DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANCE"  (ha ha ha!)
seriously.  that's what it was like!  and the wind had picked up so the water was really choppy at that point, and the boat was flopping us about all over the place.  it was crazy fun, I tell you!
then we headed back, sadly.  It took us about twenty minutes to find a place to moor, but that was ok.  We sure didn't mind!  We didn't want to go back!
while trolling around, we went past the Marine Petro Can, and there was this guy in this lime green t-shirt.  We went by, and the girls and I were just lounging on the bow.  And he looked up, and started smiling at us!  We smiled back, and he waved, and we were like, "oh yeah!"  after that, I was like I want to take off my life jacket now.  So I did, and lounged in my skimpy skimpy string bikini that doesn't look as good on me as I wish it did.  But it did the trick!  The next time we went past the Petro Can, Petro Can Boy came out to the edge of the dock, leaned against something, and just watched us go by.  I smiled at him again, this time wearing only my itty botty bikini, and he just smiled back, and then as soon as we'd gone by, he just left.  He hadn't done a single thing!  It was such an "I am woman, hear me roar" moment.
We couldn't find a place to tie up, and eventually, harbour staff just let us double park somebody's boat.  I felt really bad, cause we had to walk on the other person's boat to get to the dock.  Then once back on the sea wall, we went to a cafe and bought ice cream.  It was really really good ice cream. 
Finally Gord drove me home where I found that my Aunt who lives in Nova Scotia had sent me free makeup!  yeah!  I got mascara, lip glaze, lip chap, and nail polish.  and my sister bought me my bus pass for next month.  joy!
I'm sorry, I'm going to not type for a while cause I want to do my nails with the stuff she sent me! ...ooh! elegant, yet understated!  that's the kind of polish that I like!
anyway, I never finished telling you about yesterday...
we drove down to Maffeo-Sutton in Kevin's van which we picked up at my house.  (I don't know why, actually, Maffeo-Sutton is only about ten minutes away walking).  Zed's circus friends (don't even ask, I'm lost, too) were putting on a fundraising demonstration for their program.  It was just a bunch of people and their children playing with hoola hoops, and swirly-things, and stilts, and gymnastic competition ribbons.  There was this fantastic border collie that knew a whole wack of tricks.  That was intensely entertaining.  And a bunch of hand drummers.  For a while, Zed, and Kevin, and Laura and I circle sang.  It was ok, but not as fantastic as the times when Geoff, and Brianna sing with us.  We me a friend of Zed's named Melanie.  I got the feeling she liked him--a lot.  Meh.
so that was today, and last night.  tons and tons and tons of fun.  I'm tired, so I am going to go try out my new make up, and put my bus pass away.  Maybe even do my toes.  ttyl.


Brianna said...

tomato COASTING!!!!

VivaLaPinto said...

you know Georgia girl...I really dunno why your so-called "friends" are dissing you all the time...
I live in Canada, and while we have our share of jocks and nerds, and burnouts, for us, dancing is something to be admired... I'm a Musical Theatre brat, and dancing is not only an asset to have in that field, but some of my best and most respected friends are dancers. I have always wished that I could dance a fraction as well as friends like Mel, or Laura McNought (not Gator). if I were you, I would start forgetting about opinions, and start enjoying yourself, and just EXPECT everyone else to enjoy it as much as you do. Naysayers should all be locked in a box but since we can't do that, we simply have more fun than them, and shame them into having fun with us.

*heck, do you think I could get into half the box-wearing, tomato-tossing shenanigans that I get into if I cared about other people's opinions?*