Sunday, July 25, 2004

Today, I am tired, injured and beach-hair-arrific!

k, I don't know where Kevin disappeared to after the fireworks, but I caught a ride home with Alex in his illegal-as-all-hell car with four other people in it.  lol!  anyway, yeah the cut on my toe still hurts really bad, as does the cut on my wrist (which I aqcuired yesterday, swimming at Colliery Dam where all the bodies are dumped in Nanaimo; I swear, that big concrete thing by the dock probably has fifty bodies inside.  it's all the mob).  And you're not even going to believe this, while swimming underneath the bridge during the fireworks, I scraped the back of my leg HORRIBLY!!! and then, walking back to Alex's car...I stubbed my toe, and practically sprained it!  seriously, I was limping for like five minutes!  and Geoff didn't even care!  Erin was like, "errmm, Geoff, you should carry her,"  and he was like, "no way, too tired."  So yeah, we all now know how much of a pathetic klutz I am.  *cringe*  no wonder I can't dance.
anyways, I missed out on a kicking party at Shane's house.  w/e.  I had no ride there, or home, and no $$$ for booze, either, so it was a lose lose situation. 
Zed has the cutest kitten in the entire world!!!  She's so cute!  I love her so much!  the first thing she did when she saw me was jump at my Capricorn necklace, and attack it!  All Kevin could say was, "aww" over and over again, and if you know glib-times-a-million Kevin, that's surprising.  Anyway, he thinks his older cat (the mommy) is pregnant again, so if she has more kitties, I'm going to take two.  Cause Moth is getting old and senile, and I don't care what my mom says.  I must have more kittens.  We've had puppies in our house for like seven weeks now, now it's time for kittens.  That's right, the Poirier house of cuteness, that's us!  I have found Kevin's weakness! He is a big lump of goo when it comes to infants of any species (except possibly worms, and insects; I dunno, larvae don't have much opportunity for cuteness).  He seriously melted at Zed's kitty cat, and my sister's baby boy, Nicky gets so much coodling when Kevin is around.  Watch out Laura!  if you marry Kevin, you shall have no choice but to bear him his super offspring!  lol!  and I wouldn't worry, either.  as doting as Kevin is, you wouldn't have to pay any attention to the kid at all, cause Kevin would be doing it all!!!
ahh, I can hear Laura grinding her teeth, and tearing her hair at this very moment.  *sigh*
yeah, I'm a bit in a teasing mood today.  I have had two cups of coffee, a small glass of really nasty sherry that Mom's friend Ken gave me (watered down with 7up, cause it was really REALLY nasty sherry; I don't even like sherry, why'd he even bother wasting it on me???), and I am clad mostly in underwear.  Life is good.
Ahrodie just got spayed, so no more puppies for her, and her haltie was forgotten at the vet's office, so we have to go back and get it, or no more walks for her, either.  She'd never forgive me!  I can't wait to get those kitties!  I seriously don't even care what my mom says, I must have two more.  Admittedly, it's alittle unfair to Moth, cause she deserves to live out the rest of her life without feline competition for attention, but she's only twelve.  She could live for another eight years possibly.  And I don't wanna wait until I'm twenty-four to get another kitty.  I wanna get a girl and a boy, and name them Sebastian, and Charlotte.  And I'll even keep the litter box in my closet, and do all the cleaning it out, and they can sleep in my bed, and I'll buy them kitty toys, and kitty treats, and play with them, and I'll love them tons and tons and tons!  I REALLY want a kitty!
And you know, when I say that I'll take care of them, I actually mean it.  And I think I proved that with Ahrodie.  A puppy is a bigger responsiblity that a kitty, and I took good care of Ahrodie.  I seriously took her out to poop and pee outside four times a night!  Once at eleven, once at midnight, once at one, and once at four or five.  It was really hard, but I actually remember it as a good experience.  Which makes me really enthusiastic about having a kitty, or two.
Anyway...I'll just stop now.  But let it be known, I WANT a kitty really really badly!
I gonna be stuck in purgatory for the rest of the afternoon, and I have to go get ready for that.  (I have to babysit the three older kids, while interacting with Ken the drunken sot of an asshole and that equals intense misery).  I've decided to just avoid the house all together while Ken is there, and take the kids up to Gyro Park No. 3, and pack a lunch for them.  And that means I have to start making the lunch for them, and getting them dressed now, so as to be able to leave the minute Mom and Sherayna leave.
so I'll ttyl, got to go prepare for utter death now.  wish me luck.  :(


K said...

That kitten was, indeed, of remarkable & unparalleled cuteness! Anyway, sorry if you felt 'dumped'/'ditched' after the fireworks, but you just kind of disappeared. My first priority was Laura: Zed & I wove through crowds, leapt chain-link fences, and ran quickly. It is unlikely you could have kept with us lanksters if you were with us. But sorry you felt abandoned and had to take an illegal ride home. That was a fun day though. Have fun insinuating your way into the cast party.


P.S. Counfound you!, for you've discovered my weakness. Oh well, somehow I think the child-disliking Laura would be highly resistant to a domestic environment involving bearing and interacting with live offspring; however, you never know. Humans are hard-wired to like babies.

VivaLaPinto said...

it's so true.