Saturday, July 31, 2004

what a sad sad little post

here's a fun link for all you anti-Bush!

very fun. lots of Bush-bashing.

aww! Sensei's dreaming! don't you love little doggie dreams? All the adorable twitching! Sensei and Ahrodie are hanging with me in the den, while Mom and Sherayna hose down the patio. They've totally conked out.

i wore: a green, purple, and pink sarong, an orange tank that says pie on it (compliments of Sasja), and my blue sandals. yes I realize that that outfit happens to be entirely uncoordinated! but do you THINK i CARE??? *bad mood*
i ate: a sausage. and two cups of coffee.
i did: some serious cleanup. serious=dishes. oh yeah, I'm H-core!
i like: dogs. and dancing, even though I can't do anything.
i dislike: the world. except for Kevin cause he hangs out with me, and Zed's adorable kitten.
brag moment: seeing Sensei dreaming. oh, how cute. (why are all my brag moments involving dogs?)
cringe moment: the whole day was a cringe moment. at this point, the entirety of my life is a cringe moment. blech!
i plan to: hopefully hang out with Kevin, and maybe Sean. but only if he calls me.

I take rather malicious pleasure knowing that he can never entirely girlfriend-box me! not unless he wants to kill his goldfish! haha! he gets torture forever!
what am I talking about...he doesn't even associate that fish with me, he associates it with cute. I bet he hasn't even taken down his pics of me. He is incapable of girlfriend-boxing me because he probably doesn't even remember everything I've ever given him! hahaha! bitch!

I'll just go sit in a corner now.



K said...

Well I hope you had fun hanging out with me, Ama', Foo, Beetin & rastpoppus... I'll tell you how the movie ended if you want; I can say right now it wasn't as good as "Army of Darkness." Remember to ACTUALLY check on Laura's dogs & give them water, because it's frickin hot. If you don't I will, even though Rebeckah can be irksome at all times if she tries.
nyar har,

PS cheval shower. and we should hang out more. I can't wait 'til Laura & Brad get back and Laura's party.

Brianna said...

woah...Geoffs all... serious and stuff. Well, sucks to be you on your bad day. I had a tres tres awesome night! but with no scandalosity so dont get your hopes up.

Anonymous said...

its me, the blasted thing here is haywire...alleah, don't worry bout the small bullshit in life, just enjoy, have fun, and laugh...someone somewhere is always gonna hate your ass, or think you are off the wall...its not worth the stress level

VivaLaPinto said...

scandalosity is one fab word, I say! and thanks all. I 'preciate it. oh, and Geoff I also gave you a lion with big legs, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, a whoopee cushion, two bras, and probably a bunch of other stuff. so there.

VivaLaPinto said...

It's March 6th, 07 and Alleah, you never gave Geoff a goldfish. You gave him an angel fish. Idiot.

PS: There's a beatiful sunrise right now. Truly spectacular!